NowSamsungReleased the latest flagship mobile phone chip Exynos 9820. The Exynos 9820 is also the Korean hardware giant's first chip with a dedicated neural processing unit (NPU), and the first processor to be built using 8nm technology. It brings a 15% multi-core performance improvement and a 40% increase in power efficiency over the previous generation of chips.
Samsung Exynos 9820
In addition to performance improvements, the Exynos 9820 will also bring 8K video shooting capabilities to the device. It also supports UFS 3.0 storage, the chip that will make apps and files load faster in the future. The processor uses an improved modem that enables download speeds of up to 2Gbps compared to the previous generation's 1.2Gbps modem. However, this generation of modems is not ready5G. So Samsung's upcoming foldableGalaxy Fand GalaxyS10This chip may be used, but there will be no 5G. However, there are reports that there will be a 5G version of the S10, possibly using a Qualcomm processor with comparable performance.